Wednesday 22 April 2015

Recce Report

For my coursework, one of my locations is a care home. My script is heavily influenced by 'The Shining' and I used this care home because it is reminiscent of the long symmetrical hallways I am using in my script.

Below are some photos of the Care home, showing the setting I wanted.

The three above pictures demonstrate the locations symmetrical hallways.
The walls and ceiling are white , with the carpet being red creating
a contrast, similar to the Shining's hallways. The hallways are also quite long
and narrow, illustrating the idea of being trapped. I got the permission of the home to use these 

long hallways for my shoot.

The inspiration for these long hallways are shown in the pictures below.

This is the exterior of the location at the front door, even though
it is outside of the care home, the path is still quite symmetrical
creating a sense of foreboding for what exists inside.

My two other locations are the boy's bedroom and the bathroom in his house. These are locations in my grandmother's house and so I have permission to use them as much as I need. The boy's bedroom is appropriate because it contains a closet in it which is used in my script and is big enough for a reverse shot that is used in one of my key frames. The window is also similar to the window's seen in The Shining, where you can't really see out of them. It also has a symmetrical look to the room.

The windows are similar, with white balance being so high
you can't see out of the window illustrating the isolation of the interiors.

The front view of the bedroom has a child's bed and door visible with quite banal and
grey wallpaper, reflecting the mood of the original film.

The bathroom scenes will be shot near the door from a one point perspective.  I will make
the bathroom look more green through Photoshop after the frames are shot. I will also
utilize mirrors in the bathroom to reflect The Shining's use of them.

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