Wednesday 22 April 2015

Risk Report

In my shoot, there will  be minimal risk for me or any of my actors. All the locations are indoors and there is no immediate dangers to anyone or anything. 

My first location will be a care home. We need to be quiet during our shoot there and to not disturb the occupants there since they live there. There are no immediate risks at all but if any freak accidents did occur, the care home helpers would help us.

My second location is a house, using a child's bedroom and a bathroom. There are no immediate risks whatsoever inside the child's bedroom. However for the bathroom sequence, the child actor would have to wear a protective glove or plastic bag over their arm when putting their hand in the toilet. This would be from a long shot, so the arm would only have to be slightly in the toilet and only for a few seconds. If we did not this, it would be harmful to the child.

If any accidents happen, the child's parent would be there and a phone number with an ambulance is always there, however any scenario like this is extremely unlikely due to the low risk of the shoot.

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